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  • Care Delivery

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  1. Marna Schwartz standing outside, mountains in the distance
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    In a Big Country

    How doctors are tackling the health care disparities that challenge our nation's rural residents

  2. a round red-brick barn, roof not visible
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    Rally Round

    What can be done to bolster the dwindling number of rural physicians?

  3. World's first human organ transplant
    The Science of Emotion Issue Summer 2011

    The Fight for Life

    The pioneering surgeon of the world's first successful human organ transplant reflects on the gift of life

  4. Japanese Red Cross near the Yalu River 1904
    Ethics Issue Autumn 2016

    In Short Supply

    Can doctors who deliver medical care following disasters shift their thinking from what's good for the one to what's good for the many?

  5. Patient name tag
    Ethics Issue Autumn 2016

    Morality Tales

    There's more than a bit of soul-searching needed when physicians bring patients' stories out of the clinic and onto the page

  6. Arial view illustration of neighboring houses, one in camoflauge.
    The Cost of Conflict Issue Spring 2018

    Here, Yet Not Here

    When traumatic events etch themselves in the brain, behavior, well-being, and even the perception of reality can become altered, disrupting daily life

  7. Military vehicles traveling over desert terrain with mountains in the distance
    The Cost of Conflict Issue Spring 2018

    Life and Limb

    Prosthetics research is being fueled by new thinking, new materials, and new demands from those who rely on them

  8. Portrait of Alik Farber
    The Cost of Conflict Issue Spring 2018

    Shock and Awe

    Vascular surgeon Alik Farber talks about helping to heal those torn by trauma