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- Aging
Article Results
Aging Issue Autumn 2021
Inflammation and Brain Health
Normally a guard against brain injury and infection, inflammation is increasingly being implicated in cognitive decline
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Aging Issue Autumn 2021
A Place for Dignity in Eldercare?
As a growing number of older adults require care, some worry that respect may be a diminishing resource
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Aging Issue Autumn 2021
The Profound Sadness of Prolonged Grief
Long-term grief often goes undiagnosed even though treatment can be pivotal to overall well-being
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Aging Issue Autumn 2021
A Conversation on Aging Research
The head of the nation's institute on aging research discusses investigating the biological intricacies of growing older
Interview -
Nature, Nurture Autumn 2021
The Effects of Heat on Older Adults
When heat intensifies, older adults weaken — but they don’t have to
Climate in the Clinic -
Aging Issue Autumn 2021
Keeping Good Food on the Tables of Older Adults
Health outcomes improve when food-insecure older adults tap nutrition assistance programs