Alumni Rounds
All Rounds
Autumn 2024 October 2024
Who or What Has Made You the Physician or Scientist You Are Today?
HMS alumni reflect on the mentors and mindsets that shaped their careers
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Summer 2024 July 2024
Alumni Experiences Beyond the Classroom
If you took time off before or during your years as an HMS student, how did you spend that time?
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January 2024 Winter 2024
Alumni on the Power of the Oath
How has the oath you took during your first days in medical school influenced your practice of medicine?
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The Heart Issue October 2023
Alumni Reflect on Game-Changing Medical Discoveries
Which scientific or medical development has excited you the most during your career?
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Youth and Mental Health Spring 2023
Alumni on the Skills Doctors Need
What skills would you recommend clinicians start learning today to be better prepared for tomorrow?
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Sleep Issue Autumn 2022
Alumni Suggest Favorite Books
What books have had a profound influence on you personally or professionally?
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Sleep Issue Autumn 2022
Alumni on Their Mark on the Profession
How would you most like others to remember you as a physician?
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Viral World Issue Spring 2022
Alumni Reveal Favorite Study Spots on Campus
When you were a student at HMS, what were your favorite places to study, and why?
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Aging Issue Autumn 2021
Alumni on the Clinical Rotation that Changed Them
Which of your clinical rotations made the greatest impression on you?
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Women's Health Issue Spring 2021
Alumni Recall their First Patient Encounter
What do you remember about your first patient encounter?
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Racism in Medicine Issue Winter 2021
Alumni on The Pandemic and its Effects on U.S. Health Care
What surprised you about how the COVID-19 pandemic affected health care in the United States?
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Racism in Medicine Issue Winter 2021
Alumni on the Lifelong Benefits of Financial Aid During Medical School
How did receiving help with the costs of medical school assist you while you were a student and afterward?
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Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Alumni Recall their Student Days Playing Intramural Sports
Did you participate in club or intramural sports while you were in medical school?
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Pandemic Issue Spring 2020
Alumni on Music and its Role in their Lives
Did you play an instrument or sing while you were in medical school?
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LGBTQ Health Issue Winter 2020
Alumni on their Thoughts when Receiving their White Coat
What were your thoughts when you first put on your white coat?
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The Business of Medicine Issue Autumn 2019
Alumni on How to Avoid Burnout
What advice would you give to a physician who may be experiencing burnout?
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Mental Health Issue Spring 2019
Alumni on How Being a Doctor Brings Joy
How does being a doctor bring you joy?
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Imaging Issue Autumn 2018
Alumni Assess the Pros and Cons of Being a Physician
Details, updates, and observations from alumni
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The Environment Issue Autumn 2017
Alumni reminisce about life in Vanderbilt Hall
HMS alumni share memories of their days in Vanderbilt Hall
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The Cost of Conflict Issue Spring 2018
Alumni recall mentors and the value of their advice
Alumni Rounds