The many facets of our body's largest organ
- Autumn 2020

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Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Tailored for Perfection
The self-doubts that many high-achieving people develop when facing the demands of academics or a profession can be crippling
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Who'll Stop the Rain?
The outsized toll COVID-19 has taken on people of color reflects the insidious effects of structural inequity
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Alumni Recall their Student Days Playing Intramural Sports
Did you participate in club or intramural sports while you were in medical school?
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
PhD Candidates on their Research and their Lifelong Love of Science
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Topical Interest
Adewole Adamson on removing bias from algorithms used to diagnose disease
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Attuned to the Signs of Trouble
Dermatologists specialize in diseases of the skin, but can also find clues to diabetes, cancer—and even COVID-19
Skin Issue Autumn 2021
Direct Approach
Harvard center aims to accelerate human skin disease research worldwide