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  1. stained glass window with medical images inserted
    A National Portrait Issue Winter 2013

    Beyond Belief

    Research is sounding the depths of the connections between spiritual practice and biomedicine

  2. highway sign with "closed" sticker over hospital icon
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    If You Build It

    Rural hospitals are closing, but those that remain are reshaping and innovating

  3. Marna Schwartz standing outside, mountains in the distance
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    In a Big Country

    How doctors are tackling the health care disparities that challenge our nation's rural residents

  4. rangeland in Wyoming with cattle grazing and mountains in the background
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    In the Picture

    Researchers act to improve geographic diversity in clinical studies

  5. bicyclist riding over Charles River bridge from Cambridge to Boston at night
    Connections Issue Winter 2017

    It Takes a Village

    Scientific inquiry requires perseverance, collaboration, and, sometimes, a bicycle

  6. a round red-brick barn, roof not visible
    Rural Health Issue Spring 2017

    Rally Round

    What can be done to bolster the dwindling number of rural physicians?

  7. Longwood Symphony Orchestra performing in Jordon Hall in Boston
    Wounded, Deeply Issue Autumn 2012

    Whole Notes

    Does healing make a sound? Just listen to the Longwood Symphony Orchestra